What if combat was based off the combatants' spirits? This is the core of Neostriker.
Neostriker is a series where combatants wear an armor-representation of their spirit. As a result, this creates a dynamic where the fights are generally for art and fun while the story may focus on character growth or be philosophical.
How this dynamic plays out is based off the story. For example, in Neostriker: Shining, it is primarily for fun but ideas and light discussions are naturally woven throughout the story such as why men may refuse fighting women.
If I were to place it in a genre, I guess since I would classify Digimon and superhero comics as fantasy, Neostriker would be fantasy as well. You may not see elves, wizards, orcs, etc., but there are elements of fantasy such as special powers, monsters, and idealogies.
Core to the philosophy of the Neostriker stories is promoting good such as honor, respect, friendship, justice, and love. At the same time, I will try my best to not dehumanize my villains who are also human. Since Neostriker is about inner growth, my evil archetypes can simply be evil spirits which means I have flexibility to focus that the human "oppositions" have more complex motives that can still be clearly wrong, but understandable.
I hope to have your support as I write these stories. I foresee it will be a long journey, but I hope that not only will we have fun and enjoy the results, but also that we will grow to be better human beings. These are the kind of stories I would like my children to enjoy.
Dream on!
J. D. Nyle
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