Saturday, December 26, 2020

December 2020 Update

Wow! It's been a while since I last posted. During that time, I updated The Vixen ebook to include two more short stories and one "snippet" story (since it's a lot shorter than the short stories). I also made progress in making my video game. I even made a quick karuta game for my kids. I spent a lot of hours watching GameMaker Studio tutorials by Shaun Spalding on Youtube. It's been pretty good to learn the tools and some logic for development. I've also interspersed with some engineering and storyelling videos that have given me material for my books. That's good because after testing one book with my alpha readers, I found I really do need one set beforehand to set the stage.

Since then, things have slowed down as I recovered from injuries, played some games in my backlog, and spend time with the family. Now that my kid is getting big enough, we've played through Kirby's Epic Yarn, Yoshi's Crafted World, and now on Yoshi's Woolly World. It's a bit interesting to see a kid learn how to play video games for the first time. At the same time, I enjoy seeing the creativity and how it can inspire to do crafts and such. Hopefully my stories can inspire something similar.

Perhaps the funniest thing I've learned is from watching a documentary on Batman Beyond. I never knew it before but it's set in 2039, 20 years after Batman retired. That means 2020 was always to be a bad year since Batman retired in 2019.

Joking aside, this year has granted me quite a few blessings as well, especially with the increased time I got to spend with my kids.

That's all I have for this year. So until next time. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

J. D. Nye

Friday, August 21, 2020

August 2020 update

 A while back, I said that I had follow ups for "The Vixen" almost ready to publish. They are still in that state. Why? Because for each new draft, I like to get some fresh beta readers and this time something clicked from the fresh feedback which I think helped understand an older feedback I was ignoring.

In this case, the older feedback said something felt missing. The new feedback said there was too much of something. That too much of one thing, in my opinion, is what caused the feeling of absence. Why? Because of the concept of "broken/unfulfilled promises". I recently watched Brandon Sanderson's series of lectures on creative writing and he relayed a similar experience where beta reader's feedback helped guide him to what went wrong and what promises he had failed to live up to. These promises are not always intentionally made, but a reader can pick up on them and if not handled properly, can make or break an ending.

In other news, the beta reading process has helped me observe that the immediate follow-up, while technically has enough information to serve as an intro, works better when read with the Vixen. In combination with me experimenting with something, I feel like in order to not make the wrong promises to new readers, I should not release it as a standalone. What this means is there will be a Second Edition of "The Vixen" with 3 short stories. 

What does this mean for people who have already bought or downloaded the first edition? As thank you to everyone who supported me early, the two short stories appended to "The Vixen" at no extra cost. Just make sure your Kindle/App updates. And when the update goes live, I will also raise the cost to $3 to maintain the $1 per short story ratio.

When will the updates go live? I hope in September but that also depends upon another thing I want to try and that is illustrations. If you recall from my post on cover art, there was a piece that felt very comic-book and I am in talks to see about having that artist contribute some illustrations for "The Vixen" Second Edition. Depending upon how that goes, it may take a bit longer.

Until then, dream on!

J. D. Nyle

Saturday, June 13, 2020

About the letters

I am aware the inclusion of letters at the end of my stories (Intent to Join and The Vixen) are a bit confusing. I've seen plenty of feedback from beta-readers expressing that even though they tend to also enjoy the letters. So I guess it's fair to explain the many reasons I have for their inclusion and placement.

From a storytelling perspective, I generally consider them optional and that's why they are detached. However, I also decided the letters would be a nice new take on the mentorship trope. The mentor is dead already, but he prepared guidance beforehand. Similarly, it did not make sense that the right letter would appear in a given story nor that they would read it in a given situation. Instead, I decided the characters would have read a bunch of letters and the one attached at the end would be just one that addressed one of the themes.

I know some people do not like being told the theme of a story, but as mentioned before, they are optional in my opinion. The personal reason for their inclusion is for children, particularly my own. I fear that I would be dead before I could convey these lessons to my children. I do not intend to write-down to an age-group, so I instead include the letter to help younger readers digest.

When I was growing up, one thing I appreciated was my dad calling out objectionable things in movies and shows. This helped develop my moral compass and counter issues that were implicitly promoted, particularly lying in hero stories.

As I was watching a series that did a fantastic job of establishing the emotional and psychological motivation for why someone would commit murder, I felt sad that there was no investigation of how to navigate the emotional turmoil in a positive way, only the condemnation of the murder. As I recognized some events in the series could be triggering, I decided I had an obligation to provide some guidance if I were to do the same.

Now in one of my WIPs, I touched lightly on racism. As this can be triggering for some people, especially for the black community who do not have parents, I think it’s right for me to also address it. So here is an early draft of a letter that I intend to include as a bonus in that story.

Letter from Sera's father: On Dehumanization
My precious children,

It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter for the topic saddens me deeply. While the racism I suffered in high school pales to that of many people, I know it hurts. It took me a long time to realize the underlying reason why, but it hurts nonetheless. It felt so unfair. There appeared to be no reason. Why say such horrible things?

I cannot stop the pain. I cannot prevent you from feeling the pain, though my parents did a good job of that until I entered high school. In my travels, I have seen racism is not exclusive to any nation; that unjust discrimination is not exclusive to any thing, time, or place. But maybe I can help you understand the pain and various causes and by doing this, provide the building blocks to dealing with it.

I realized that racism, sexism, etc. are tightly coupled with bullying. If you ask me for a definition, it’s that racism is the bullying of a people.Looking closely, racism is often merely part of bullying. So what is bullying? In most cases, it’s the dehumanization of a person. So racism is the dehumanization of a people based upon ethnicity. Sexism is the dehumanization of a person based upon sex.

When we realize that racism is bullying, then we can recognize how the causes of bullying are also causes of racism. Things like fear, ignorance, spite, revenge, jealousy, lies, corruption. These all feed into the cycle and as history has shown, some races can eventually get out of it. Whites were racist against Whites in the early US. It wasn’t until other ethnicities became competition for jobs that they reconciled. However, some races don’t have that luxury due to how the system is against them, and neither political party gives what they need.

Consider the racist notion in the US that Black people are uneducated. This is because the school districts are drawn to their disadvantage, placing them in poor schools with little funding. This makes it harder for them to get into prestigious schools, which businesses are biased towards selecting for jobs. Add in that some of these schools have unjust discrimination in their application process and we can see that it’s hard for Black people to get into better communities. Similarly, wealthy neighborhoods don’t want the uneducated in their district so they work to keep them out by manipulating the school district lines, which never gets fixed no matter the party in power, and therefore perpetuating this cycle. School choice helps overcome these barriers when paired with subsidies. Tricky thing about subsidies is that it makes others jealous as it feels unfair, just as it always does among siblings. For that, we need to correct the perception that most rich kids did not earn their tuition money, it was given by someone else who had money, their parents. However, that only addresses one cause of racism, to really handle all of them, we need to look to a specific hero.

Daryl Davis was a Black musician who, over the course of years, swayed a high ranking member of the KKK to leave his racist organization. He would talk with him and even attend KKK rallies. In his talk about the events, he commented on fear as a major cause. He called out his big size and quick reaction as something that evoked fear and potentially death. But his main point that won his enemy over was respect.

The antidote for dehumanization is respect. Daryl Davis and the KKK member both called it out that respect is the key. When you respect someone, you do not see them as a monster, a spoiled brat, etc. Instead, you see someone as a person. Dehumanzation is when we try to deconstruct someone as a person like yourself. Respect is when you see someone as a person like yourself.

This is a hard teaching put into practice as we feel justified attacking those who hurt us. But like with bullying, we sometimes target people who don’t actually target us or sometimes are unaware of their actions. We try to vilify anyone who dares even listen to the enemy. We often dehumanize racists, which only perpetuates the cycle further. Racists, sexists, and all other are people; people who are suffering in their own way and have valid concerns that we try to ignore because we consider them to be monsters, not human. And this in turn leads us to justify our vilification by any means possible, even corrupting religion to do so.

Christianity preaches to love your enemies and do good to those who hurt you. Christ preached respect not only because it was good, but also because it heals. You do not have to like someone to love them; simply care for and respect them. When we do this, the scars will heal. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll walk out of it with not a bully, but a friend. And a friend is another self.

With love,
Your father

P.S. You can watch Daryl Davis' talk on youtube

Saturday, May 30, 2020

May 2020 Update

Wow! It feels like it's been so long since I've written an update. It has sure been a busy year so far. I've found a few new authors that interest me, got a new cover for The Vixen, and drafted a few more WIPs.

I also discovered a series of lectures from Brandon Sanderson on Youtube so I've been watching those and gleaning good tips for writing. Hopefully we can see some results from that in the near future

Sunday, January 5, 2020

January 2020 update

So I ran into some issues for the story I was hoping to get out. This is perhaps the curse of writing stories out of order in that you can be locked into certain key events happening. I have some ideas how to address them, but it's going to take some more musing.

In other news, I finished a first draft of part 1 of the bridge between Shining and SABRE. It's a bit interesting because it actually could stand as a complete story on its own. So I might have beta readers check that out while I muse on the remaining 4 parts. Considering that it might be a while before I get to those four parts, it might make sense to do that anyway.

Why? Because in addition to everything that happens in life, I'm also considering foraying into non-fiction. One is to take the letters idea from SABRE and simply publish a collection of philosophical letters. For people who prefer for the ideas to be conveyed via story, SABRE will still do that, but others might want just the philosophy without the story. Another idea is a blog series on storytelling. Similar to the philosophy letters, it'd be a series of opinions where I try to add something new to the table. I think I'll do that in my Writing Corner blog so this blog might be inactive for a while. However, I'm still somewhat active on Twitter so you can find me there.

Until next time,
J. D. Nyle