Saturday, November 10, 2018

eBook version coming soon!


I am pleased to announce that it looks like Neostriker: Shining will be able to get a kindle version after all! While there are some complications, it looks doable and possibly can release within the month. This will be great since it also opens the possibility of reaching markets beyond what I had access to before.

It's a bit confusing for me, but what this means is a few things. First, the earlier draft I had uploaded four years ago needed to be taken down, though the first chapter can still be available. This is to satisfy the exclusivity requirements. Second, the cover I used for the printed copy wasn't compatible for Kindle so there is a difference in covers.

Now for pricing: I currently intend to hold at the target $10 price as promised before. However, to celebrate the launch, I intend to discount it to $7 for a period of time. At the same time, from how I understand the model, I'll also make the eBook version free for those who buy the physical copy for a while. I hope this action also works retroactively and allows those who bought the printed copy within the last year to also redeem a free kindle version.

I hope you all will use this opportunity to read my novel.

Dream On!
J. D. Nyle