The theme of this story would be peer pressure. While I will likely write multiple stories on this topic, in this case I want to cover where sexual attraction is a main force. However, this will mean that the main fight will end up being between a boy and a girl, something seemingly in our media culture only allowed if the girl wins. My guess for this restriction is prevent violence against women. This topic is briefly addressed in Shining as the theme for one episode and that is where I think we can see established what Neostriker is about.
In that episode, David said he would not fight a girl but duels Emily anyway. When asked about this, he says that it's okay due to the nature of Neostriker. That nature is that Neostriker is not about violence. The combat is for art and fun and where injury is very uncommon, but the underlying nature of Neostriker is spirit, particularly in the realm of logic and ideals. The focus is not to care about the gender of the combatants, but rather the debates they have or the inner growth of a character. When it comes to the rules of philosophical debates, gender plays no role and that is what David was referring to. I certainly oppose violence against women, but since the underlying focus of Neostriker is on debate and ideals, there is no reason to segregate.
Neostriker was of course originally developed with an action mindset, but like all good things, it grew to have depth as well, similar to the TV shows, movies, and games that inspired it. The action and character design were hooks, but there was real value to glean as well. I hope that Neostriker is seen that way as well, especially in the realm of heroes. It should always promote good values and propose how to properly deal with some situations. I have learned that this is important when there came a trial for me, but I was inspired to make the good choice by David in a similar situation I had in my earlier drafts.
As far as I can recall, Neostriker has almost always had philosophical elements to it. And once I decided that the central force of Neostriker was spirit, it began to take center stage. Shining was the turning point where the action and philosophy were about equal in content though arguably slightly more on the philosophical side. And even though I don't plan to include a story in the game I'm working on, a driving force of it is the philosophical idea that games should be fun and not frustrating, as opposed to many mobile games where they frustrate to the point you might pay.
I hope this blog post helps explain my ideals behind Neostriker and I certainly hope to have your support in growing it.
Dream on!
J. D. Nyle