Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November 2016 Update

Progress has been slow, but it is moving. It appears the artist who agreed to do the art for the book got busy with a local art competition (hopefully he won). In the meantime, I finally heard back from an editor at a publisher I sent the book to. Sounds promising so far especially with a comment that she is loving the world building and would love to watch it as a TV series. There were some helpful suggestions as well for improving how I write some things. I also heard some good feedback from another young girl so perhaps I can land a publishing deal after all.

As for the new book, I've been busy with my new job and life situation and so haven't gotten down to writing for a long time. However, I as I took a walk in nature the past few days, I've been struck with some ideas about world design. For example, I plan a village by a volcano. Might as well have some hot springs there. However, the biggest thing I've been thinking about is the implementation of water and rivers.

Another thing I recently thought about that I don't recall explaining in Shining is how guns are not used in close range combat except for charged shots. Since this is the case with every series I've seen, it escaped my notice, but perhaps I need to add a section where that is made clear. While I don't have to worry about it in the next book, I do take some pride in trying to be a thorough with Shining as possible.

Until the next report,
J. D. Nyle